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Think again.

We are numbers in their eyes, big corporations, big lies. Money temptation, eternal suffocation. They give you a job, you think you are lucky, you start work, you are not happy. They are raising their voices on you but don't react, down with your head, you are a slave, it's a fact. They offer you some money for your hard work and you are buying things to forget , but you forget the clock. They are violating your soul, you go home broken every night Another living dead human being they have destroyed, goodnight. So you wake up and getting ready to go and work again, a vicious circle it is and you have lost something, your brain. You serve your customers and you are their slave, for you have to be so, otherwise you are not brave. And if you are not brave and can't accept this, you will get kicked, but no worries they will find another soul, you were not picked. Picked for no reason for you are nothing but a piece of their game, fool your customers, tear yourself apart and d

Happy Birthday

              Golden woman with the golden soul, happy birthday may i say and fall. Your kindness, your warm heart and your beautiful smile, tonight i will call. The flower inside you, the flower you are, the earth's shining star. Rise and shine into the horizon for i need you tonight, you are my earthstar. The way you look at me in the eyes, it's curing my heart with butterflies and the way you kiss, makes me feel calm and all i can feel is eternal peace. Every moment spending with you is special, it is for me something essential. You can call it awareness or as you want but only you have the credential. You are a gift from god and god makes no mistakes, so listen to me. Let yourself be beautiful and rise to the sky, find your star and dive. Show the universe who you really are and don΄t be afraid, i am with you, live your life, live your dream, open your heart and you will see, god knew. Miracles don't happen day by day, they are chosen for some reason understand the m

Don't forget to thank your own body...

I owe an apology to my beautiful body for carrying all this weight, please, forgive me, for not controlling my emotions. I didn't listen to you but you didn't leave me. All these sleepless nights you were there doing your best to keep me alive and healthy but i was too blind to see what you are going through, i wanted to become rich and wealthy.  I suddenly realized that i had been out of  control and  i was surrounded by negative energy but now i feel greater than ever, i am strong, enlightened, i am the brightest star in galaxy. How could i hurt you that bad by poisoning you with toxic food and make your organs bleed? I guess i was too busy finding happiness in wrong things, in soulless materials i don't really need.  Here i am tonight, after a good sleep and a clear mind writing to you for the first time, for now i realized that you go through all this with me and you are always there, anytime. You've got to take care of eighty six billion neurons in my

You are a part of it now, you are a knight.

Some days I feel bad, some days I feel good but I am sometimes of myself misunderstood. I am neither happy nor sad, I just miss my family, my brother, my sister, my mom and dad. Life is tough when you are alone, far away from your loved ones but just on your own, you fill yourself with new experiences, new friends, new events but you are still a lonely pawn. I have to work day and night to keep myself warm and food on the table, I am a tough guy and many people around me are laughing not knowing I am a free bird, and free birds fly. So I don't choose to be lonely but I choose to be free and you can either agree or disagree, but you have your own journey, your path so tonight I am giving you a piece of my art. As a writer I shared my feelings this night, I expressed myself, I wanted to write. The loneliness is fading away and now and everything around me seems to be bright. There is nothing to worry about, there is no loneliness and there are no problems left. Thank you for sha

A Real Friendship Is Built On Trust

I can feel your emotions; you don’t have to explain. I can share your thoughts; we are on the same train. When you smile, I smile. When you cry, I smile. I stay strong, even if it hurts, because I know it’s worthwhile. The memories we’ve built together won’t ever vanish. Our friendship is made of these, and friendship can’t perish. To be a friend is to be loyal. It takes years—and thus, many tears— But together we stand strong and eliminate our darkest fears. I’ve been there for you; I’ve seen people come in and out of your life. I’ve suffered while people hurt you, while we were in strife. We’ve always listened to each other, without judging or criticizing. We gave up parts of ourselves to understand and rise together, realizing. I would give up more than I could if I had to save you, my friend. Because you are a big part of my life, a piece with no end. All I want to say is thank you for being there for me— As a brother, as a friend, I will always help you feel free. I am you

The Last Hero Of The Golden Kingdom

  His first name was Aaron, his second name Justice. He carried a sword made of steel and grace. His strength was beyond all a man could imagine. He was raised to fight for his people, for their lives. They called him the blessed crusader of the golden kingdom he was protecting. His family, he would defend—brothers, sisters—until his death. He was a hero. When the night fell, he would pray, When the day came, he would fight. When the battle was over, he would thank God. And after thanking God, he would train for hours. He trained like a dragon, but even the dragon’s flame couldn’t stop him from bringing victory. Aaron was the god of the warriors, but that came at a cost—he never had a family of his own. As the guardian angel of the golden kingdom, he dedicated his time to protecting his people. He trained the soldiers, farmers, and women, so they would be strong when his time came to die. As the years passed, Aaron became weaker. His strength abandoned him, and he fell ill. He kn

The Reason.

Religion is something that was created by humanity. Humanity will never understand the reason why. Why is the reason we are killing ourselves and others. Killing ourselves to understand the incomprehensible. The incomprehensible is where the fear strikes. The strike of fear is harmful as poison. Poison is something  green but also toxic. Toxic can be our life, if we don’t accept the presence. Accepting life can be beautiful and scary. Scary it is but stars are there to shine. Shine is what stars do to give us light. Light is bright and it makes us feel peaceful. ~Peaceful~ is a feeling we can feel in our life. Life is a short journey that we have to fulfil. To fulfil our life means to love and be present. Be present is to be alive and feel our existence. Existence is now and will always be there for us. Us, me and you and everyone, we are immortal. Immortal is the soul we are, not the soul we have. We have a body that includes a brain and it’s terrific. Te